Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Hijab Pashmina Tutorial

Here is the latest Hijab tutorial we'll share in our website Hijab tutorial titled How To Wear Hijab Pashmina. Hijab Tutorial This time we handed out a little different than the usual because of the Hijab Tutorial combined with minimal accessories commonly used by the women are wearing the headband.
Picture 7
How To Wear Pashmina we get the following from our successful website edited so that the reader is able to understand well Hijab Tutorial.Many ways Hijab Style existing but only the internet which is where able to give way Wearing Hijab is perfect and cool.
Prepare the items that need to be prepared to follow the How To Wear Hijab Pashmina following:
  • Inner Hijab
  • Hijab Pashmina Chiffon
  • Pin
  • Headband
  • Dressing Mirror
And a good time for you to see - good step by step that you need to follow:
  1. Before starting to use the inner or underwear first and then use the hijab pashmina hijab chiffon with positions left and right ends of the same length. Then lift both ends of the pashmina hijab as shown above.
  2. Step two, take the left end of the scarf pashmina to the right, then take the right hand end of the scarf pashmina to the left. Cross both ends and lift the veil ends.
  3. Then take both ends of the pashmina hijab had already crossed to the back of the neck. Later that strong and does not shift position, pinned with a pin or can be knotted and placed in the back of the neck.
  4. Then hold the front side of your pashmina hijab then Take a little on the front end. After that, pull the end and then point to the back of the neck.
  5. And the last step accessories headband to wear over your head. Then put up the ends wrapped around the back of the neck as seen on the model above.
Good luck Wear Pashmina tutorial we provide above may be useful for you all and Hijab Tutorials are always able to provide references in Hijab Tutorial trendy and fashionable for the ladies and gentlemen hijaber.

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