Senin, 07 Juli 2014

Pashmina Chiffon Tutorial

Chiffon Pashmina following tutorial can provide different styles of hijab is usually that you can apply in any occasion be it the opportunity to work, study, as well as in everyday life. hijab tutorial below is very suitable for you who have a hijab with chiffon material due Way Wearing Hijab following uses material from fabric chiffon veil. Chiffon fabric that has the texture of fabric that looks more falls when used to make many types of cloth veil that once favored by the hijaber because there are many styles for the style hijab dikreasikan. But the other side of the chiffon fabric is slippery, because the material is soft so a little difficult to assemble or unruly.

Picture 6
Do not worry this time hijab tutorial hijab style will provide matching veil once applied in the trend of wearing chiffon material. How to Wear a Pashmina following I took from my webiste slightly change the style of the language so as to be understood by the fans Hijab Tutorial . Please refer to good - good tutorial pashmina that we post this time I hope you were able to practice with ease and take a short time. As always prepare in advance what needs to be prepared in following Veil tutorial below:
  • Hijab Inner Ninja
  • Hijab Pashmina Sifon
  • Pin
  • Pin
Step by step How To Wear Pashmina Chiffon :
  1. Use inner ninja hijab to cover the neck, then place the pashmina hijab over the head with a hijab position is longer than the right hand side of the veil to the left as seen in the image above.
  2. Then both sides point toward the pashmina hijab under the chin. To be strong position and can not cover the neck, pinned a safety pin to either side of the pashmina.
  3. Then pull the left pashmina hijab (short part) toward the right side of the head. Then in order not to fall, immediately pinned to the end of the finger blotter pashmina hijab that you've put into the right side of the head earlier.
  4. The fourth langah pull long pashmina headscarf side to the right and past the embedded pashmina earlier. After that, pull up to the side of the pashmina hijab on the left side of the head as seen in the picture.
  5. And the last step ends pull pashmina that you just put it on the side of your head toward them and then fold the neck. To be strong and not shifted position, pinned with a pin.
Easy, fast and practical not Wear Hijab How we beikan this. Hopefully you look more fashionable and trendy when following Hijab tutorial we posted the webiste Hijab Tutorial this. Good luck Hijab Tutorial Pashmina Chiffon.

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